Dearest Priscilla! ~~~I'm so glad - having the opportunity to meet (currently - virtually, at least!) a New-Mexican Native Lady. I'm deeply attracted to New-Mexico, especially since my first visit there - on May 1989 (Albuquerque, Cubero, Acoma Pueblo). My 3rd and last visit sofar (Roswell,Glorietta, Santa-Fe), was exactly 10 years ago - April 1999. I have family members in several NM locations. I - myself - born, and living in Israel.~~~ wishing YOU all the very best!!!~~~Meir
I will be showing a one hour movie at
Casa Bonitas Mexican Rest
Sat 18th at 7pm
282.2728 RSVP to Jose as their will be many people coming.
The footage is fo the journeys with Drunvalo to Hava Supai, New Zealand, Guatemala,
Easter Island, & Moorea Tahiti,
it is a $15.00 buffet with tip included, drinks separately.
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in my heart...LOve NN

Thank YOU Dearest priscilla wolf for accepting me as a friend into your Sacred-Circle!~Meir
Dearest Priscilla! ~~~I'm so glad - having the opportunity to meet (currently - virtually, at least!) a New-Mexican Native Lady. I'm deeply attracted to New-Mexico, especially since my first visit there - on May 1989 (Albuquerque, Cubero, Acoma Pueblo). My 3rd and last visit sofar (Roswell,Glorietta, Santa-Fe), was exactly 10 years ago - April 1999. I have family members in several NM locations. I - myself - born, and living in Israel.~~~ wishing YOU all the very best!!!~~~MeirI will be showing a one hour movie at
Casa Bonitas Mexican Rest
Sat 18th at 7pm
282.2728 RSVP to Jose as their will be many people coming.
The footage is fo the journeys with Drunvalo to Hava Supai, New Zealand, Guatemala,
Easter Island, & Moorea Tahiti,
it is a $15.00 buffet with tip included, drinks separately.
Se you somewhere there.