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Kotahitanga 'One Love ... One Heart ... One Family'

Sonja Myriel

Daily Messages of Light through Kereru


Daily Messages of Light through Kereru


Thank you, dear Kereru, for gifting our lightgrid family with your marvellous messages of Love and Light!


Members: 30
Latest Activity: 3 minutes ago



Kereru Pounamu

I am a Waitaha Grandmother ... I am blessed to channel Ancient Star Names & Divine Ascended Masters & Pleiadian Emissaries of Light etc. At Our 'Stargate of Hope' we hold 'Circle of Love' Gatherings at Our New, Full Moon, Equinoxes & Solstices
Middle Earth Beings, The Invincibles & Lemurians are several of Our Galactic Beings, Tribes here, at Our Stargate & Golden Temple ... and am grateful to daily receive their messages and put them out on facebook! I am thankful to be a Mother &Grandmother of many beautiful Children & Grandchildren! Am thankful that Spirit led me to this site! Aroha from Aotearoa, New Zealand!


The follwoing is an excerpt from one of Kereru Pounamu's channelings. If you are drawn o certain passages of her channelings - please copy and paste into a comment box below and if you have a suiting picture, add it - in this way we can create wonderful cards :-)
ANY HELP in this is most highly appreciated!!! And the first step is you show us what you especially LIKE ;-)


Once and a while stop and check;

that Your mind isn't running away with Your Moments ~

And when You do find it happening ...
Breath a sigh and give thanks

that You have now re 'empowered' Yourself to each Precious Moment ...


... for when All is said and done ...
In an instant

You could be on this Earth Plane ... and next ...
You could be in another Dimension ...

and All You have to hold onto
is Your Love ... in Loving Memories!


The Pleiadians through Kereru

Views: 166

Tags: Consciousness, Light, Pleiadians, Sharing, United


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