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Channeled Messages from Our Family of Lemuria and Family of Mu ... received at 'The Golden Temple of Light' ~ Okahukura 'Place of Rainbows' Aotearoa New Zealand

‎'Golden Temple of Light' ~ Message at Dusk from Our Family of Lemuria ... "Channel The Mu from The Middle of The Golden Temple of Light ... For We ... In Our Temple of Light have 'Passageway To All Divine Beings of Light of The Upper Realms of The Heavens' ~ 
Message from The Mu ... 'We Are Mu ~ Our Passageway Is via Water ~ for We Are Ascended Divine Beings Of The Upper Realms ... Sent to 'Clear and Lighten Up The Waterways' ~ Know That We All, Together must Do This ~ BEgin from Within and get Your Water Flow Clear ... for there is Immense turmoil in the Waters ~ Hence ... The Flooding Must Be ~ To Cleanse and Renew age old damages impacted by Humankind ~ Keep Your Heart Clear of Blockages, of Obstructions ~ for As Within ... Affects All Without ~ We have been around for Eons and many of Your scientists are looking to capture and dissect Us ... to See How We Exist and Function In Water ... Our Medium and Home ~ We Are Neither Fish nor Animal ... for They Too, Are Our Revered Family ~ We Are Indeed Closely Attuned to The Whale and We Can Also Communicate through Sonar, however, We Are Still Human looking in form, that We Can Also Change As We See Fit ~ Suffice it Is for You to Know Right Now, That ... As You Uplift Yourselves and Your Water Element ... So Too, Do You Uplift Your Water Element In Your World! The Power To Do So, Is In Your Hands ... As You Return Yourselves To Your Beginnings ... "The Source" Of All That Is ~ You Thus Have Access to The Endless Source of Infinite Possibilities and Solutions, To Heal and REctify the Imbalance in Your World ... beginning with Yourselves ~ and Affecting Your Blessed Mother Earth, Who has borne the brunt of Your disconnection from The Source ~ You have the Power To Reconnect and Rectify All That has 'gone out of kilter' in Your World ... Begin Within ... Which Affects Your Beloved Earth Mother and In Turn ... All Life Hereon!
Our Blessings As Divine Guardians Of Your Water System ~ We Leave You This Assignment ... This Admonition ~ Go With Love ... it Is Your Lifeline To The Heavens ~ Be At One ... Peace At One ~ We Are Life!'

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Tags: Ancient, Channeled, Golden, Keepers, Lemurian, Light, Messages, Mu, Temple, Wisdom, More…of


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