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"Arlia - Pleiadian Emissary ~ Aotearoa Full Moon Dec 2013 'Reconnect With Your Soul'

Aotearoa Full Moon Message from ...
''Arlia - Pleiadian Emissary'' ...
received in Our 'Circle of Love'
at Our 'Stargate Portal'
"In reverance and stillnes ...
It was light as 9 of Us gathered 
in Our Circle of Love at Our 
'Waahi Tapu'' last nite ~
After Karakia, We were shortly
graced with the sweet Presence
of 'Arlia', Who introduced Herself
to Us, as having been sent from
the Elders/Wise Ones of Pleiades
to bring Us a Message of Divine Love
She Blessed and Thanked Us, Our Souls
for bringing Each of Us here and that
We were destined from before Birth to BE
here at this Auspicious time
at Our 'Sacred Space - Kawai Purapura' 
which She said is the 'Eternal Seed'
She "As Sentinels, You are Each being given
"A Thread of Light" to carry forth ...
and weave amongst All You
come in contact with ~ This 'Thread of Light' 
wil bring Love, Peace and Harmony ...
for You Are Creating Heaven on Earth ...
'As Above ... So Below'
She said that this Sacred Space is a 
Centre Point, where Beloved Mother Earth 
'Gaia' is beginning Her transformational spin ...
and the Web of Light is now sent forth
to encompass and embrace All of Creation
She also added that if there was one main
thing that We remember from Her Message,
that is "Soulfullness" ... to now consciously
reconnect with Our Soul ...
to let All Our thoughts, speech and actions
pass through Our Heart and thus Our Soul
Who is connected with Heavens Realm
and All That is, will lighten the stresses,
patterns and emotions that had been
a challenge for Humankind.
Lovingly, She Blessed Us and left Us with
her parting words of
Kadoish ... Kadoish ... Kadoish
(Our 'Stargate Multidimensional Portal')
We were left in deep Gratitude and Grace 
after Her beautiful Message and when
the time was opened up for Those
in Our 'Circle of Love' to Share ...
Mihirangi shared a beautiful experience
She had exactly one month ago during
a Full Moon Ceremony when She 
was visiting Her Native American Elders
and how they also spoke of 'The Web of Light'
and She saw in Her Dreamtime, one of
The Ancient Grandmothers 'Weaving the Web of Light'
After Her sharing Mihirangi blessed Us with an
Ancient Moteatea 'Traditional Chant/Prayer'...
that took Us on a journey of the Creation of The Stars 
all the way across the Sky and it was while She
Chanted this Moteatea in Our Native tongue ...
I closed My eyes and saw 'The Ancient Waka 'Canoe' of The Gods'
And I knew in this moment that She had just
recited The Prayer for 'The Waka/Canoe of The Gods!'

Views: 98

Tags: 'Reconnect, -, 2013, Aotearoa, Arlia, Dec, Emissary, Full, Moon, Pleiadian, More…Soul', ~


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Comment by Kereru on July 7, 2014 at 1:31am
Kia Ora beautiful SiStar Montse!!! Wow, I haven't looked at My page for ages and now I see Your comment! Love You Dear SiStar ... Arohanui! Sori I accidently deleted Your bigger comment ... but Im glad I found this comment! I am on Facebook under My Star Name ''Kirar Taraishia Te Wairangi"~
Comment by Montserrat on February 10, 2014 at 5:48am

Beloved Kereru,here your sister  Montse from Spain, we shared evening-night ceremony on 21st December 2012 , do you remember me? we were talking about some ancient  pictures of wakas  I took in Lake Tarawera, but it looks that your email i have is not working, please if you read this message and you want me to send you the pictures, email me to

Aroha Nui


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