World Viewz

As the Autumn leaf
falls to the water.
Nothing more to do
then to go with the flow.
The banters of society
beckon new illusions
to augment,   alter perception.
Distancing the being from knowing.
Earth yearns for contact and connection
In Divine Being, even still amidst the 6th extinction event.
Half way through can't stop the train steaming down the tracks.
More veils, tales and satire fill our world scene.
Emotions spilling over as tensions climb.
The mass confusion has infected the collective psych.
We need a miracle or mirror call to overcome ourselves....
Our only way out,  is in.....
May we each and all discover our true sentient selves
and BE come our highest BEing.
RDakota Sedona 12.29.20

Views: 57


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