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Renate's Comments

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At 2:23pm on March 07, 2011, ramsiel gave Renate a gift
At 2:59am on June 27, 2010, Lainie Elizabeth Skye Asher said…
thank-u!! so nice to connect with beautiful conscious beings on here.
Arohanui peace xoxoxo
At 6:48pm on June 18, 2010, Kereru said…
Kiaora dear Renate,
Much aroha to you dear! and you are so in link...every time we see thru the heart...we 'know' each other ...'I See You...dear sister'!
Am also getting my other computa fixed with Skype on it& I believe we are linkin in 'Heart to Heart'!
Blessings dear One! my Ancient Star name which means 'Red Star'
At 11:11am on April 29, 2010, Nyako Nakar said…
At 1:57pm on January 17, 2010, Aguamar said…
Thank you Renate!!! And many love for you and your son.

From my heart

At 1:23pm on January 17, 2010, Solei Costa said…
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story!
It is true and every one can do this. Give confident to your children and they will
be able to do EVERYTHING they want.
Tell yourself you are perfect, feel it and there will be no limits.
A great lesson, thank you again Renate!

At 2:13am on January 1, 2010, Nyako Nakar said…
Happy new year to you and your son, I miss you both...LOve NN
At 8:06am on December 6, 2009, Nyako Nakar said…
At 3:04am on November 12, 2009, Aguamar said…
Hello Renate, I'm very happy to contact you, I can see in your pictures you and your son are very well.

Many hugs and love

At 6:25am on November 1, 2009, Nyako Nakar said…
Hi Renate, I am very impress with your pictureof the water fall and the orbs..fantastic.
How are you???, I am in London now I have been here near all the time...take care an love to your son...LOve NN
At 3:59pm on September 5, 2009, Storm Warrior said…
You are most welcome it was lovely catching up after all this time and so much had happened it was wonderful to hear the growth of the others a\that had been apart of the 2007 journey.
At 4:50pm on September 3, 2009, Storm Warrior said…
Hello Renata it was lovely to catch up with you again. I am sure we will catch up again in New Zealand soon Much love Loma
At 4:37am on August 28, 2009, Sabine said…
Hallo liebe Renate, lieber Andreas
Ich habe ein paar Bilder von Neuseeland auf meiner Seite.
Ich hoffe, Ihr hattet noch ein paar schöne Tage.
alles Liebe
At 7:46am on July 25, 2009, Mauricio Acosta said…
Thanks for your words.
I just posted a few more for you to enjoy.
At 7:07pm on June 11, 2009, celeste sanchez said…
Thank You! Big hugs and kisses dear Sister
At 7:45am on June 4, 2009, Zully Brito said…
Hi Renate...You are always in my dreams...thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures
At 7:45am on June 4, 2009, Zully Brito said…
Hi Renate...You are always in my dreams...thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures
At 9:09am on June 3, 2009, ISIS Izabella Demozzi said…
Dear sister, are you planning to come to New Zeland ? I know, it's so far and cost some money too....I think it is going to be our last trip of this kind... long trip, as we are leaving Poland on 18th June and planning to go back on 12.09. As Gianni had started this "Dru" adventure in New Zeland, so we are thinking to end this "path" in Nez Zeland as well...Hope to see you on this path...
At 3:41pm on May 29, 2009, ISIS Izabella Demozzi said…
HI Renate, good to find you here ! I just joined in...Me and Gianni, we were at the ancestors gathering as well...What's up on your path right now ? I am just looking at the beautiful foto of the "Ring of the Lord Sun"...great show on the sky... We were experiencing such beauty over Sedona, with extension to Vesica Piscis appearing on the sky over Sedona...Magic ! Night kiss to you and Andreas....Hope to see you soon....
At 8:02pm on May 18, 2009, celeste sanchez said…
Hola Renate,

it is great to see you and your little boy looking so great. I hope all is well with you dear heart. Our time in easter island was so precious yet it seems like eons ago. but seeing you both brings all the love and memories back. Here's a big kiss and hug !!!!! Much love and light, celeste

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