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ISIS Izabella Demozzi's Comments

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At 7:08pm on July 09, 2010, Vernon Foster gave ISIS Izabella Demozzi a gift
hey been some time, thinking of you today. Hope all is well and good things are happening.
At 3:13am on September 8, 2009, Jinney Reihana Ruka said…
hello my dear this is me jinney i hope you got home and rested up from your trip from nz i felt that you did not get the answers you were looking for
iam sorry that i didnt get to see you off but we all say never say goodbye until we meet again my dear sister
love to you from jinney and damon and family
At 8:15am on June 12, 2009, Paco said…
:)) Wow, its good to see you here, I also liked your picture, you really look full of light. Hope we can see each other soon, please email me at Light & Love.
At 7:25pm on June 11, 2009, celeste sanchez said…
Sister Isis

Hope you are well. I loved your pictures. How are you enjoying Sedona? Did you decide where you and your honey are living yet? I am well back in NYC....Hope to see you soon at the next pilgramage....Blessings, light and love.
At 4:19pm on June 9, 2009, Sylvain said…
Hi Izabella, with your blonde hair it's hard to be able to recognize you. Last time we see each other I was your slave, can we be friends in this incarnation Goddess Isis Ha ha I wish to show you something cool with "energy" one day ByByBy
At 3:58pm on June 4, 2009, Zully Brito said…
Hi Isis..I can write english more less..and speak spanish very is good for us..
At 10:23am on June 4, 2009, J. Nakagawa said…
Hi Isis, I have to share a dziękuje story with you. Several weeks ago we were at a museum and I asked a man to take our picture. He was alone. I noticed his accent (just like your beautiful accent) and I asked him where he was from. He said Poland! I said dziękuje for taking our picture. He froze for a second, and then he started laughing. He was very happy. Dziękuje for teaching me dziękuje.
At 9:30am on June 4, 2009, Mayte Abad-Morente said…
Hi Isis,
Nice to see you at the picture at Spirit of Maat. I remember you and Gianni a lot. A big hug for both of you
Aroha nui
Mayte 8
At 9:13am on June 4, 2009, grace said…
At 7:12am on June 4, 2009, Zully Brito said…
Isis Goddess..How are you?. Do you are going to NZ?
At 5:41am on June 4, 2009, grace said…
i need your mail
At 3:54am on June 4, 2009, grace said…
oh did you go to india???????/

i wil go there this year in october
At 3:53am on June 4, 2009, grace said…


At 1:56am on June 4, 2009, Robert Patruna said…
Hello ISIS
No, we never met in this dimension, but I know, you. Not you, YOU. the spirit who is thirsty to drink from the water of life, I saw your fight on your healing circle....... don`t fight, we are the same. your friends just don`t understand you. Inside we are the same..... SO. don`t fight. Let the sunshine........ I am from ROmania, here are manny from ROmania, we would like to invite everybody here in this beautifull country, to show you the light....... you can ask Grace as well...... bye
See you.
Love and Peace
At 9:02am on June 3, 2009, ISIS Izabella Demozzi said…
Dear John, on the last photo you took I have the sun glasses, so no eyes visible, form tomorrow...I just have finished my ayurveda training and leaving back home, from a beautiful place by the lake, where I am now...Keep your promise....from tomorrow...Love
At 10:38pm on June 1, 2009, J. Nakagawa said…
Hello Isis! A big hug to you too. You hugs are very strong. Yes I feel it now deep inside. My "sleeping hemisphere" is most active now. I'm so busy, just like you. Yes I remember! Great to see you on the blog. Your wonderful eyes are all over the TheGianni23 video, and the photos in the June I have not been doing my meditations. Have you? It is June 1. I will start today...I will...promise.... This is the last photo I took

At 12:31pm on June 1, 2009, Renate said…
Dear Izabella, enjoy to find your message. Seems that you joined the gathering Return of the Ancestors, right? Had been connected from a place in the mountains Alps where I was with a group of spiritual friends. Andreas and I watch this grat time and are alleady very excited for the coming months. See you soon. Love and light Renate
At 10:23pm on May 31, 2009, Leslye JacobsLeslye Jacobs said…
wow!!! im dizzy just hearing your travel schedule.. have fun and be safe! Poland may be rainy.. but its cloudy here.. in June.. as we have what is called "june gloom" in June.. or now with global warming "Gray May" as they call it.. Trying to get everything wrapped up to go back to Detroit but would love to do the New Zealand trip or see my friends in Greece..but with book and personal family things.. not sure that will happen.. we shall see? i never say never! Have a good one and safe travels.. xoxo, Les :)
At 8:10am on May 30, 2009, ChrisC said…
To my beautiful sister:

Hi Isis, thank you for your Soul-warming comment *hugs*


At 6:16pm on May 29, 2009, Leslye JacobsLeslye Jacobs said…
ISIS... glad to hear from you and that you guys finally joined the blog! you look great in your photo.. as you have a great smile :) - i always notice people's teeth as my father was a dentist :)..The video Gianni took is great as it really captures the landscape and Cole's beautiful song.. too bad my face san makeup got caught on film! yikes!
Are you both in India now? Where to??? will be in detroit for a few weeks seeing family and may go overseas to France (for my book ) and/or to Greece but it all depends on getting my work done to kick off this project .
Saw my buddy Witold this week - he's kicking my but at the gym and teaches me Polish so maybe we can converse.. my favorite word is "tech"
Have a good week.. and glad to hear things are better with your mom.. mine too.. though i try to work thru it.:)
Have a wonderful summer my sister... Love and Light, Leslye

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