Mother goddess
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">A font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">mother goddess18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica""> is a term used to refer to any text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">goddess associated with motherhood, fertility,
creation or the bountiful embodiment of the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Earth. When equated with
the Earth or the natural world such goddesses are sometimes referred to as Mother Earth or as the Earth Mother.
There have been many different mother goddesses throughout history and in the present day, including such deities as the Hindu text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Kali Ma, ancient Greek text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Gaia and ancient Irish Danu.
In some forms of Neopaganism,
and in the Hindu
idea of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Shakti, all the many
mother goddesses are viewed as being the embodiment of one singular deity.
Earth Mother
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">The font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Earth Mother18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica""> is a motif that appears in many text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">mythologies. The Earth Mother is a fertile goddess
embodying the fertile earth and typically the mother of other text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">deities, and so, also are
seen as patronesses of motherhood.
This is generally thought of as being because the earth was seen as being the
mother from whom all life sprang.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">The Rigveda calls the Female power, Mahimata (R.V. 1.164.33), a term which literally means
Mother Earth.
In South America, contemporary Andean Indian peoples like text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">quechua and text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">aymara believe in the Mother Earth Pachamama,
whose worship cult is found in rural areas and towns at Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia,
Northern Chile and Northwestern Argentina. Andean migrants carried the
Pachamama cult to cities and many other extra-Andean places, including the
Metropolitan Buenos Aires.
Mother Nature
Mother Nature(sometimes known as Mother
Earth) is a
common personification
of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">nature that focuses on the
life-giving and nurturing features of nature by embodying it in the form of the
text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">mother. Images of women
representing mother earth, and mother nature, are timeless. In prehistoric
times, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">goddesses were worshipped
for their association with fertility,
text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">fecundity, and
agricultural bounty. Priestesses held dominion over aspects of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Incan, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Algonquin, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Assyrian, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Babylonian, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Slavonic, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Roman, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Greek, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Indian, and #0046AF;text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Iroquoian
religions in the millennia prior to the inception of patriarchal religions.
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
Helvetica"">Algonquin legend says that "beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who
at her bosom feeds plants, animals and human" (Larousse 428). (8) She is
also known as Nokomis,
the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Grandmother.
In Inca mythology, Mama Pacha or color:#0046AF;text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Pachamama is a fertility goddess who presides over planting and harvesting. Pachamama is
usually translated as "Mother Earth" but a more literal translation
would be "Mother Universe" (in text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Aymara and text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Quechua mama = mother /
pacha = world, space-time or the universe) [2].
Pachamama and her husband, Inti
are the most benevolent deities and are worshiped in parts of the Andean
mountain ranges, also known as text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Tawantinsuyu (stretching
from present day Ecuador
to text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Chile and text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Argentina).
Mother Earth (deity)
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Mat Zemlya, also Matka Ziemia (literally Mother Earth, various other names are in use as well) is the collective term applied to a number of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Slavic deities devoted to
plants, growth, birth, creation and patrons of field works.[1]
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">In the early text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Middle Ages, the Mother Earth was one of the most important text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">deities in the Slavic
world. Oaths were made binding by touching the Earth and sins were confessed to
the Earth before death. She was worshipped in her natural form and was not
given a human personage or likeness. Since the adoption of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Christianity in all Slavic
lands, she has been identified with Mary,
the mother of Jesus.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">An example of her importance is seen in this traditional invocation to Matka Ziema, made with a jar of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">hemp oil:
East – "Mother Earth, subdue every evil and unclean being so that he may not cast a spell on us nor do us any harm." West – "Mother Earth, engulf the
unclean power in thy boiling pits, and in thy burning fires." South –
"Mother Earth, calm the winds coming from the South and all bad weather.
Calm the moving sands and whirlwinds." North – "Mother Earth, calm the
North winds and clouds, subdue the snowstorms and the cold." The jar,
which held the oil, is buried after each invocation and offering is made at
each Quarter. (Slavonic mythology 1977:287)
Neolithic figures
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Diverse images of what are believed to be Mother Goddesses also have been discovered that date from the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Neolithic period, the New Stone Age, which ranges from
approximately 10,000 BCE when the use of wild cereals led to the beginning of
farming, and eventually, to agriculture. The end of this Neolithic period is
characterized by the introduction of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">metal tools as the skill
appeared to spread from one culture to another, or arise independently as a new
phase in an existing tool culture, and eventually became widespread among
humans. Regional differences in the development of this stage of tool
development are quite varied. In other parts of the world, such as Africa,
South Asia, and Southeast Asia, independent domestication events led to their
own regionally-and distinctive Neolithic cultures arose independently in Europe
and Southwest Asia. During this time, native cultures appear in the Western
Hemisphere, arising out of older traditions that were carried during migration.
Regular seasonal occupation or permanent settlements begin to be seen in
excavations. Herding and keeping of cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs is evidenced
along with the presence of dogs.
Almost without exception, images of what are interpreted as Mother Goddesses have been discovered in all of these cultures.
Further information: Goddess (Wicca)
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">The font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Mother Goddess18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">, amalgamated and combined with various feminine figures from world cultures of both the past and present, is worshipped by
modern text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Wiccans and others (see Triple Goddess).
The mother goddess is usually viewed as Mother Earth by these groups.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Wiccans and some other types Neo-Pagans
worship the Mother
Goddess. Most
commonly she is worshiped as a Triple Goddess; usually envisioned as the
Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes.
She is associated with the full moon
and with text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Earth. Many ancient Pagan
religions had mother goddesses; it has been argued that the figure of Mary the mother
of Jesus is patterned on these.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">The term "Great Goddess" refers to a mother goddess in some contemporary Neopagan and Wiccan religions.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Even among those who are not Pagan, expressions such as Mother Earth and Mother Nature
are in common usage, personifying the Earth's text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">ecology as a fertile and
sustaining mother.
The Iron Age with advanced text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">technology of the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">chariot revolutionized text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">warfare and brought a series of invasions
from the north, mainly by the Aryans
who viewed themselves as superior to the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">indigenous populations
they conquered. As the new civilization
spread and became the new aristocracy,
the conquerors imposed their own system of
government and their own text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">theocracy of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">monotheism.[3]
During this time, there was a transition from a text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">tribal and none;text-underline:none"">clan-based society to a text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">sovereign state text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">form of government where text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">de jure and text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">de facto rights of
individuals were replaced by sovereignty
to the state and territorial
integrity, which led to the emergence of the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">empire. text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Matriarchy went into text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">decline as text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">goddess text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">temples were destroyed and
prostitution was officially shut down by the emperor text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Constantine in the fourth
century AD when pantheism
was replaced with Christianity.[4]
Gaia (mythology)
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Gaia18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica""> (pronounced /ˈɡeɪ.ə/ or /ˈɡaɪ.ə/; from Ancient Greek
Γαῖα "land" or "color:#0046AF;text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">earth";
also Gæa, 18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Gaea18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica""> or font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Geafont-family:Helvetica"">, from Koine and Modern Greek Γῆnone;text-underline:none;font-weight:normal"">[1]) is the primal text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Greek text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">goddess personifying the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Earth, the Greek version
of "Mother Nature",
of which the earliest reference to the term is the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Mycenaean Greek ma-ka (transliterated as ma-ga), "Mother Gaia",
written in Linear B
syllabic script.[2]
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Gaia is a primordial deity in the Ancient Greek pantheon
and considered a Mother Titan
or Great
Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Terra Mater or Tellus. Romans, unlike Greeks, did not consistently distinguish an Earth Titan (Tellus)
from a grain goddess (Ceres).[3]
Gaia (or gaea) is a collateral form of ge (Dorian ga) meaning Earth,a word of pre-none;text-underline:none"">IE origin.[5].The combined form geo is found in many text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">neologisms, such as text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Geography (Ge/graphos =
writing about Earth) and Geology (Ge/logos = words about the Earth).Gaia is a
compound word of two elements.Helvetica-Oblique"">*GeHelvetica""> is probably a Pelasgian,
text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">pre-Greek text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">substrate word that some
relate to the Sumerian
text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Ki, also meaning Earth.(In
Akkadian orthography also Helvetica-Oblique"">giHelvetica"">,ge). Aia is a derivative of an text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Indo-European stem meaning
"Grandmother". The full etymology of Gaia would, therefore, appear to
have been "Grandmother Earth"
Gaia philosophy
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica-Bold"">Gaia philosophy (named after text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Gaia, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Greek text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">goddess of the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Earth) is a broadly inclusive term for related concepts that living organisms on a text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">planet will affect the
nature of their environment in order to make the environment more suitable for none;text-underline:none"">life. This set of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">theories holds that all
organisms on an extraterrestrial life-giving planet regulate the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">biosphere to the benefit
of the whole. Gaia concept draws a connection between the survivability of a
species (hence its evolutionary
course) and its usefulness to the survival of other species.
While there were a number of precursors to Gaia theory, the first scientific form of this idea was proposed as the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Gaia hypothesis by text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">James Lovelock, a UK chemist,
in 1970. The Gaia hypothesis deals with the concept of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">homeostasis, and claims
the resident life forms of a host planet coupled with their environment have
acted and act as a single, self-regulating system. This system includes the
near-surface rocks, the soil, and the atmosphere. While controversial at first,
various forms of this idea have become accepted to some degree by many within
the scientific community (See Amsterdam
declaration on Global Change). These theories are also significant
in green politics.
Gaia in politics
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Some radical political environmentalists who accept some form of the Gaia theory call themselves text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Gaians. They actively seek
to restore the Earth's homeostasis — whenever they see it out of balance, e.g.
to prevent manmade climate change,
extinction, or rainforest loss.
In effect, they seek to cooperate to become the "system consciously
manipulating to make conditions more conducive to life". Such activity
defines the homeostasis, but for leverage it relies on deep investigation of
the homeorhetic balances, if only to find places to
intervene in a system which is changing in undesirable ways.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Tony Bondhus brings up the point in his book, Society of Conceivia, that if Gaia is alive, then societies are living things
as well. This suggests that our understanding of Gaia can be used to create a
better society and to design a better political system.
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Gaians are attempting to create a new ideology which combines conclusions from science
and politics; they see this as a "text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">protoscience" of text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">human ecology.[text-underline:none;vertical-align:baseline;vertical-align:baseline"">citation
This thinking includes the idea of humans, as the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">keystone species, acting
to prevent climate change,
extinction, etc., who might deliberately maintain the balance of the
entire #0046AF;text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">biosphere with
their own cognition. However, humans cannot be a text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">keystone species by
definition, because a keystone species must be rare relative to the magnitude
of their effect. Because human distribution is global and population density
high, humans are precluded from being a keystone species.[text-underline:none;vertical-align:baseline;vertical-align:baseline"">citation
18.0pt;font-family:Helvetica"">Gaians do not passively ask "what is going on", but rather, "what to do next", e.g. in text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">terraforming or #0046AF;text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">climate engineering
or even on a small scale, such as text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">gardening. Changes can be
planned, agreed upon by many people, being very deliberate, as in text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">urban ecology and
especially industrial
ecology. See
text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">arcology for more on this
'active' view.
Gaians argue that it is a human duty to act as such - committing themselves in particular to the Precautionary
Principle. Such views began to influence the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Green Parties, text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Greenpeace, and a few more
radical wings of the environmental
movement such as the Gaia Liberation Front and the Earth Liberation
Front. These views dominate some such groups, e.g. the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">Bioneers. Some refer to
this political activity as a separate and radical branch of the text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">ecology movement, one that
takes the axioms of the science of ecology in general, and Gaia theory in
particular, and raises them to a kind of theory of personal conduct
or text-decoration:none;text-underline:none"">moral code.
For More information about the politics connected with Gaia see
Message from Mother Earth (III) 2012
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