World Viewz

Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D.'s Blog (17)


Discipline #9


Blind Evidence Lives In Every Faith


~ “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in…


Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on April 15, 2012 at 4:51pm — No Comments

Spirit Light Body

As spirit beings, we are not mere flesh and blood but rather complex systems of light, energy and information which surrounds our physical body. The word “Merkaba” is an Egyptian term that means Mer = Light, Ka = Spirit, Ba = Body. Esoterically speaking, Mer refers to a specific kind of light which was known during Egyptian times shortly after the reorganization from many gods toward the worship of the one God of all creation. It…


Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on August 31, 2011 at 6:27pm — No Comments

Genetic Truth

Truth is encoded in our genetic make-up. It is a part of us. That thing that happens to us whenever we hear something that resonates in our being is truth. That feeling we get when someone is trying to convince us of something we know to be false, is truth. Whenever we feel as if we are betraying our very nature simply by accepting a doctrine or a belief incredulously, that’s truth resisting deceit. Imagine this; our whole entire being is founded on truth and truth alone. It’s woven into the…


Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on May 10, 2011 at 6:05pm — No Comments

Spiritual Principles

By raising our awareness to that of Spiritual Principles, we are actually inviting more of the same into our awareness. Since energy generates more energy, we attract that in which we are or should I say, "Like attracts Like."

As we become more aware of these principles and how they affect our lives and the people around us, we become more willing to practice this way of living. We become one with the Universe and ultimately our existence begins to change into a more harmonious… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on February 25, 2011 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Cosmic Mind

Cosmic Mind is the unadulterated Mind of God. In Theosophy, it is the sum total of all Divine and spiritual intelligences. It is the essence from which all things manifests. Hence, nothing can exist without being an aspect of this consciousness. In his writing on “Cosmic Mind in the Microcosm” Rudi Jansma says; “In the creation story of the Vishnu Purana,… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on August 2, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Divine Source

As the Source of all, God is not stagnant, it is continuing to grow through an inner awareness to become more expansive and more of its own Self. The Source is collectively a part of everything and yet It is still a force unto Itself. It seeks to gain greater experiences through the process of materialization and It expands not only into the past but also into the limitless…


Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on May 26, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments


What then are we to think..? Is the world truly in need of a savior to make himself known in order for humanity to find an equilibrium? It’s no mystery that practically all of the world religions speak of the return of some form of savior that will one day rid the world of all its woes thus bringing about a heaven-on-earth scenario. But is this really needed? Is it not true that we must each seek to work out our own salvation and that no one can ever help us to reach self-realization? I’m of… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on April 28, 2010 at 12:17pm — No Comments


Under whatever name you choose, Spirit has provided the opportunity of greater acceleration in acquiring light, wisdom and greater consciousness. It, along with all the Ascended Masters

invites you to merge into the ‘I AM,”

consciousness where you will experience true joy and splendor. You have nothing to lose and everything to

gain. You stand to achieve tremendous



Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on February 25, 2010 at 10:52am — No Comments

I Am Principle

When we use the words ‘I am,’ in affirmations or through creative visualization, in essence what we are doing is speaking and affirming this reality into existence. We think, therefore we are. The ‘I Am,’ principle is so powerful because it is creation in its purest form. We become whatever we believe and hear ourselves say we are. Words carry with them a certain vibrational tone which has the ability to become reality. In the beginning was the word and the word was God and the word was with… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on November 2, 2009 at 1:33pm — No Comments

The Higher Self

As we trust in our Higher Selves more and more, we will come to a place in our consciousness where life becomes a loving experience because we’re constantly being guided by a power that has our best interest at heart. We will begin to observe the world as our instructor and every experience will be presented to us as one of lifes many lessons that gently leads us back into our true selves. Sooner or later, the ego will lose its grip over us and what we think we are dies and gradually the real… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on August 18, 2009 at 11:43am — No Comments

Dr. Peter's Upcoming Events

Tuesday, August 18th Radio Talk Show Guest

Thought Provoking Conversations with Solana

Time: 12:00 p.m.


Call In: (347) 884-8089

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 Book Fair

Los Angeles Black Book Expo 2009

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Pacific Time)

Where: Ahmason Senior Citizen Center at Exposition Park

Sunday, August 23rd Radio Talk Show Guest


Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on August 11, 2009 at 5:41pm — No Comments


According to Wikipedia, ‘I am,’ is the first person singular present tense form of the main copular verb in English (to be). Therefore, everything that exists as being in any form is a derivative of the Great ‘I Am,’ principle. Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Ichegeri branch of the Navnath Sampradaya and author of the 1973 publication of , I Am That, describes the I Am principle as an ‘abstraction in the… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on August 10, 2009 at 1:01pm — No Comments

Divine Mind

‘The Divine Mind is the consciousness of non-duality. It is omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotent. In the consciousness of non-duality there is complete union with unlimited consciousness. Inside of this realm in the Divine Mind is where instantaneous manifestation occurs. In essence there is nothing to "create" outside of ones’ self as all is already in existence in the divine and universal realm. All we have to do is unite with that consciousness which is… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on July 22, 2009 at 1:17pm — No Comments

Male Energy

Through the male ego, we tend to measure ourselves by the number of women we’ve conquered or by the size of our external organs. We judge one another strictly based upon what we’ve done all of which is basically “male energy,” out of balance with being.

As a result of only catering to our ‘male energies,’ and not giving way to our feminine side, we hide our inner male away where they remain guarded.

As a result of constantly pushing… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on July 15, 2009 at 5:39pm — No Comments

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling is offered by both ministers and lay people who are familiar with spirituality and spiritual injuries. Spiritual counseling is frequently used for the same purpose as secular counseling, but the counselor will address healing not just in terms of mind and emotions, but towards the soul as well.

Some things that might indicate damage to the soul, and a need for spiritual counseling include addictions, abusive tendencies (including self-abuse), an inability to be… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on July 13, 2009 at 4:02pm — No Comments

Mass Awakening

Pg. 34: “Once you get a glimpse of reality and the truth about your existence and the vast amount of influence you actually wield within your consciousness, you become a liberator of the world because people are enlightened through your emancipation. When one sees, we all see. With each and every soul that is freed from the ‘Maya,’ and delusions of the prevailing conditions and false teachings, the mass consciousness becomes more aware.” Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D Ultimate Truth:… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on July 6, 2009 at 10:09am — No Comments

Using The Law of Attraction

Using The Law of Attraction

Pg. 19:
Everything that is, was once just an idea in the great mind of conception.

Pg. 20: We are powerfully creative Beings through our will and our word.

Pg. 59:
Thought is energy and energy is power—and since ‘energy flows where attention goes’ then thought is also powerful. Simply put; ‘whatever you focus on expands.’

Physical science has resolved matter into molecules,… Continue

Added by Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D. on July 2, 2009 at 10:09am — 2 Comments

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