Ayer recibí esta canalización y quería compartirla con vosotros con todo mi Amor...Nyako Nakar
Se escuchaban a lo lejos
Unos sonidos extraños
Que nadie reconocía
Ni siquiera los ancianos.
Las madres miraban
Hacia el gran cielo
Para escuchar la voz del Creador
Los hombres organizaban una…
Added by Nyako Nakar on May 31, 2009 at 10:17pm —
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And once again we will meet each other on a Full Moon that
is coming closer. This Full Moon will take place June 7^th
(7:13 p.m. London time -- please adjust your local time).
Last time we had a Full Moon in Scorpio this time we enjoy
a Sagittarius Moon. So this is a Fire Moon with potential of
enthusiasm, independency, optimism, future orientation and
sense for the questions in life and humanity. Don't overdue
it, because that is a "shadow" aspect of…
Added by Robert Dakota on May 31, 2009 at 10:30am —
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1. 2009 May 24 MarkH Galactic and Earth Update Posted by: "Steve Beckow" unit...@telus.net frstcntct Sun May 24, 2009 9:04 pm (PDT)
While most of us are taking a much needed breather from the intensity of recent energetic waves--including today's Chiron-Jupiter-Neptune Triple Conjunction activations--events continue to move us forward.
Obama is having a Remotely Viewing Interaction with several astronauts while he is at Camp David. Rama talked to Tom-the-Ring-Tailed…
Added by Ann Settino on May 31, 2009 at 8:14am —
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Using the Mind to Heal the Heart
By Laura Fine, H.H.P., M.F.T., M.A., A.E.A.
In Saint Exupery’s The Little Prince, he states, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." The heart is not just a physical organ, it is an energy center, a place of consciousness, a space of expanded awareness of the existence of essence, the essence of the universe which is love, that lives and pulsates inside of us. It is our most natural…
Added by LionheartWest Energy Healing on May 29, 2009 at 10:49am —
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Already, I have written about the domestic violence issue in my poetry. I am starting a website for the women to submit their work, I already know how difficult it is to acknowledge what you have been through. It is time to express your feelings. Those emotions cannot remain bottled up inside.
I wanted to write the words that would motivate, even inspire other women to leave. My writing would have to get through to even the hardest of hearts and break through all those walls. It had…
Added by Sareena Sandhu on May 22, 2009 at 3:48pm —
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(The Wheel of Becoming - Symbolic Representation of Saṃsāra in Tibetan Buddhism)
Poligraf's first album is entitled "Samsara." Traditionally, the term refers to the Buddhist concept of the cycle of birth and death in which all beings in the universe take part and which can be escaped only through enlightenment. Personally, I agree with the view that it is rather that very same process of…
Added by Christopher Stewart on May 22, 2009 at 11:59am —
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Added by Nyako Nakar on May 20, 2009 at 11:00pm —
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Poligraf has been an essential part of my life since its inception at the beginning of February 1998.
The adventure began after the collapse of a band that probably never really existed as it only had a handful of rehearsals, but for which I had already written a lot of material. Left alone at the helm, I connected with a group of experienced musicians via a co-worker friend and after agreeing on a general aim and formula, we raised sail and…
Added by Christopher Stewart on May 20, 2009 at 3:00pm —
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(Buddha the Conqueror by Nicholas Roerich)
Buddhism has been an essential part of my life since the mid-90s.
The adventure began when I stumbled upon a feature in an encyclopedic dictionary that highlighted the Four Noble Truths. That finding immediately sparked my curiosity and a few days later I was buying a copy of…
Added by Christopher Stewart on May 19, 2009 at 4:49pm —
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Eight Spiritual Universal Principles in the Art of Practice
By Laura Fine, H.H.P., M.F.T. degree, M.A., A.E.A.
As hands-on healers, massage therapists, body workers, we have tremendous responsibility and great opportunity to provide our client’s with an experience of touch that can have a profound impact on their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. This experience begins the moment the client sets up the appointment. The energetic anticipation on the part of…
Added by LionheartWest Energy Healing on May 18, 2009 at 12:56pm —
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Music has been an essential part of my life since the end of the 80s.
The adventure began during the second of my four years of studying electrical engineering at Université Laval in Québec City. Through various friends and contacts I reconnected with progressive rock, a form of music to which I had already been exposed to in my youth thanks to my older brothers and sisters. Hearing the music of bands such as Yes, Rush, Genesis, and King…
Added by Christopher Stewart on May 17, 2009 at 10:28am —
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My name is Doris Anne Beaulieu and I’d like to this time to talk to mail order companies and parents.
To parents I have a wonderful craft book for your child to give his or her teacher at the end of the school year. My Easy and Inexpensive Holiday Classroom Crafts for Teachers book is truly a gift that will forever keep giving from year to year, holiday after holiday. It’s a craft book for developing creative minds. This book will tell you what items you will need for each…
Added by Doris Anne Beaulieu on May 17, 2009 at 10:08am —
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On a "free afternoon" during the Return of the Ancestors - Apr 18-28 we decided to visit the Hopi Mesas just as individual tourist. We drove around the Hopi Mesas for a bit when our car was stopped by a couple of barking dogs. To make a long story short, as the dogs were barking in front of our car, a woman came up to our car. She asked if we'd help her dig out her car stuck in the sand. We said ok and walked over to a shed. The next thing I know Grandfather Martin is handing us shovels. After…
Added by J. Nakagawa on May 16, 2009 at 5:07pm —
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In the 9 of May appear this fantastic crop circle in a town from uk, Clatford.
I think its a beautiful one, very special and I made my version in 3 dimensions, just sharing it with you..LOve NN…
Added by Nyako Nakar on May 15, 2009 at 10:35am —
AN UPDATE FROM LAST SATURDAY: THIS I HAVE TO BLOG ABOUT!: Spent last night visiting my friend Julia Gerard, who owns a clothing store for over 25 years in LA called The Peace Gallery.. She's a really cool person.. very creative and powerful and a leo.. she outfits many celebrities in showbiz.. including Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney who was in last week praising her conscious/thought provoking clothing designs with the Peace symbol.. In partnership with her, is her boyfriend Sirius Trixon -…
Added by Leslye Jacobs on May 13, 2009 at 12:48pm —
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PER JOHN's URGING... HERE IS MY BLOG FROM SATURDAY!!! NOW YOU ALL HAVE TO DO IT! Having major ROTA cermonial "withdrawl"- like the rest of you.. - I woke up last Saturday at 3:30am to attend Queen Mother Poo Naa of Ghana's Sunrise Ceremony to give back with my friend Tara. (See pic attached and/or visit her website at
www.rainqueenpoonaa.com. We arrived in pitch blackness to Santa Monica Will Rogers State Beach. It was quite beautiful and…
Added by Leslye Jacobs on May 13, 2009 at 12:30pm —
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I am Breathing
I am finally breathing again
There is no pause
No closed door
No locked cage
I watch the clock on the wall
How many years has it taken me
To Breathe,
To Open Up My Mouth
to Speak
to Scream
to Cry
to weep
I am Here
I have found the Salt behind my shadow
My mouth Opens-look at that
I have a Voice
I have a Right
To Walk this Planet
Wherever I want
My breath fills the…
Added by Sareena Sandhu on May 12, 2009 at 12:30am —
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Esta fue la pregunta que les hice a mis guías antes de partir al Gathering de Arizona:
- ¿Cuál ha de ser mi actitud en el evento?
Y esto es lo que respondieron:
Mi hermano de luz, se paciente, deja que la energía te envuelva y te ayude a encontrar el camino.
Vive en el…
Added by Nyako Nakar on May 12, 2009 at 12:04am —
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In Japan the first few days of May are called Golden Week and most of the country takes a holiday at the same time. I used my three days off to attend a flower of life workshop facilitated by Paul Knighton here in Tokyo.
All I can say is that it was a life changing experience. I had practiced the MerKaBa meditation for a few months on my own before attending the workshop but felt I was definitely missing some pieces to the puzzle. The workshop most definitely provided those pieces…
Added by Mike Sewell on May 11, 2009 at 9:49pm —
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En donde todo empieza
En donde todo termina
En el punto cero
En donde todo descansa
En el ojo del Águila
En su nido en el desierto
Se escucha un murmullo lejano
Todo tiembla
Cada uno encuentra su…
Added by Nyako Nakar on May 11, 2009 at 1:09pm —
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