World Viewz

April 2009 Blog Posts (16)

Dream Journal 28 November 2007

This dream was very powerful to me and as soon as I awoke from the dream I felt as if I was still in a type of meditative state and was able to continue the information while awake which I had not done in previous dreams.

The dream itself was very short and in the dream I could feel a Plutonic Energy (from the planet Pluto) which seemed very real. This energy which I felt was being sent forth into space which in the dream represented ‘The Mother’.

This feeling was very… Continue

Added by Michele Walters on April 30, 2009 at 7:42pm — 1 Comment

Drunvalo recomends this video! Enjoy

Added by Mihaela David on April 28, 2009 at 4:53am — No Comments

Return of the Elders!

I have lots of pics and videos. We had a great time. My sons, my friend Dana and her son, Sobe and I took a last minute adventure to the Grand Canyon to partake in ceremony at the rim and in Tuba City!
It was cold and windy, but we had a blast and I am so glad that we all especially my children, experienced healing mother earth and meeting a few of the elders. They danced, talked and sat with a few as well!
Love and Light to ALL!

Added by Chelsea Higholt on April 27, 2009 at 4:06pm — 2 Comments


I wrote this a while back.


Did you ever want to go

go running, jumping, go crazy

warm sandlewood, Coltrane, Frangelica nights

the word hello was poured in my ear

husky and enticing, draws you in, a wisp of soft spring air

a dream of a dream of a dream

a role not yet lived

I knew you once in my mind's eye

we ran on the white sands

the day much like that day, a blustery one

telling the gulls… Continue

Added by Chana on April 26, 2009 at 10:46pm — No Comments

Its Earth Day, Lets Celebrate !!

Its Earth Day, Lets celebrate. In the near future I hope this day becomes as important to the masses as days like christmas, easter, halloween, ect. instead of another day to go buy stuff and celebrate that days mascot, we could collectively ( expressing Oneness ) give to our planet the types of gifts she would and could appriciate, like clean up, plant, love each other, take a brake from destructive habits at the very least. This is our Planet, the only one we have; not only that our physical… Continue

Added by Rickbischoff on April 22, 2009 at 10:16am — No Comments

Please, Your Writing will always be FREE here, well, we hope anyway...kurtisz

When enough becomes Too Much 4 ME;

THE threat to our FREEDOM OF WRITING? SPEECH,COMMUNITY&theENVIRONMENT(SACRED, Abundant...Scarred & Yet still_Healing, Mother Earth)?

WTF?!? Where is Al GOnRE. Too Many Beans Pickens&Buffett(?), Gatez, US&A..., Mitt R., Sen. McCain, Rush & ALL THE OTHER CELEBUTARDed POLITICAL fashionary MOdels. THe green movment, greenpeaces, the Irish, THE f'kn fightin' Irish, past ancestors who would stand or speak or write up for… Continue

Added by Kurtis B. Zobell on April 22, 2009 at 12:01am — No Comments


p style="text-align: left;">

Today is 4/20 the day in which millions upon millions of people in the world will roll-up, pack a bowl, or ripp the bong probably more than once. And in commemoration of this day on worldviewz and to educate for some who are "not in the know" of this plant, I'm going to give some fact /myths and history of the plant. I copy/pasted this info from "How Marijuana Became Illegal" by Bud Fairy and the "Myth/Fact" portion is from "The Drug… Continue

Added by Richard J. Hobin Jr. on April 20, 2009 at 12:03pm — No Comments

Persephone -a bit of writing

I WAS PERSEPHONE by Sareena Sandhu June 1998

I watched in awe as the blind red dirt

Covered my torso.

Seeming unreal

Whispering to the fourth wind

The one which does not make a sound or motion

As it blinds and pushes you in defiant instinct.

Thrown to hungry wolves

They are amused

My composure is self-withstanding

I am forged with metal which wraps its forceful nature upon my back.

And I am in Hades,

The cruel depths… Continue

Added by Sareena Sandhu on April 19, 2009 at 9:09pm — No Comments

That woman on the Milk Carton by Sareena Sandhu

That Woman on the Milk Carton(March 2009)

By Sareena Sandhu

Why is it that

We can never really put ourselves

In another's shoes

Until we are really there

I am a survivor of domestic violence

I have the badge of honor and courage

I have changed my world

To change my stars

We decide that abuse is not right for us

We control what is done to our bodies and our… Continue

Added by Sareena Sandhu on April 19, 2009 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Merlin's mirror. Channelled by whitefetaher 15/4/09

Mirrors, mirrors of the world, it is time for reflection, for looking at what is being done to your planet, to your lives, to the lives of every living creature. For too many long dark moons, you have taken and plundered the Earths resources and still you hunger for more, for greed, for what your neighbours mirror appears to be reflecting, but it only reflects an outer image, it does not reflect the true self inside. This is another form of the alchemy of which I have spoken before, two… Continue

Added by Whitefeather on April 15, 2009 at 10:02am — 1 Comment

Full Egg Moon/Full Pink Moon

So, here we are on the verge of another Full Moon! This full moon is in Libra, balance, justice, temperance, and a sorting out of things, bringing them order. It is interesting that this moon is in Libra considering all the provocative comments to Hiniri's blog post about the phases of the moon!

It is time to harmonize, to bring in to balance all that we are; light, shadow, masculine, feminine. It is the convergence of all these principals that makes us ONE with our… Continue

Added by Howling Woman on April 8, 2009 at 12:42pm — 5 Comments

Beautiful Losheka by Isis Andersen for David Graywolf Flynn

Beautiful Losheka by Isis Andersen for David Graywolf Flynn For Wednesday's Writing Essentials

For Dave Flynn (Graywolf)

of the Tuscarora Iroquois

Little Turtle Clan Northern Band

with love and respect

And for Hidalgo and the Lakota Nation

With Love and Respect


Losheka is Dave Flynn's… Continue

Added by Isis Andersen on April 6, 2009 at 5:00am — No Comments

Butterfly Nation: Woodstock Remembered By Isis Andersen For Dave Graywolf Flynn who was and is a Golden Child of God who attended Woodstock

Butterfly Nation By Cynthia Isis Titania Andersen Butterfly Nation: Woodstock Remembered For Dave Flynn By Isis Andersen

dave flynn woodstock lower right corner no shirt brown hat August 19, 2008 09:01 PM EDT (Updated: August 23, 2008 01:38 AM EDT) views: 65 | rating: 10/10 (13 votes) | comments: 23 Another Poetic Mission Impossible Challenge from Chana and this one was/is the hardest... a response to… Continue

Added by Isis Andersen on April 6, 2009 at 4:30am — No Comments

<b>Isis, Lady of Petals from Isis and Osiris by Jonathon Cott Epilogue: A Night in a Garden of Spain</b> From Isis and Osiris by Jonathon Cott

*Jonathon Cott is a favorite writer of mine. I just wish to share his beautiful poem for it inspires and touches the heart.

Isis, Lady of Petals from Isis and Osiris by Jonathon Cott Epilogue: A Night in a Garden of Spain

From Isis and Osiris by Jonathon Cott…

a garden of spain


Added by Isis Andersen on April 6, 2009 at 4:27am — No Comments

The Via Galactica: The Way of the Galaxy by Cynthia Isis Andersen

The Via Galactica: The Way of the Galaxy by Cynthia Isis Andersen



This is the Hubble Deep Field Survey and this has been called the most significant photograph…

Added by Isis Andersen on April 6, 2009 at 4:22am — No Comments

Faces~Phases of the Moon by Hirini Reedy

Kia ora & hi there, Recently I sent an email talking about shifting the mind into empowered states. Remember Mind SHFTS? See+Hear+Feel+Taste+Smell. In your memories, you can recall SHFTS that can give you power and energy. Now we must be able to channel and apply that energy into movements, tactics and strategies that give us the best chance of success. One way is to use the faces or phases of the Moon to guide and guard ourselves in times of… Continue

Added by Robert Dakota on April 2, 2009 at 9:05am — 13 Comments

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